The Captain Antilles Recipe Tutorial
Building the Figure
Step 7
With all the pieces from the three figures, you are now ready
to put your Captain Antilles figure together. Get together the
following pieces to build your figure: Rebel Fleet Trooper’s
head, arms, and front and back of torso, Han Solo's arms,
and the lower body and legs of Ponda Baba. You'll also be
needing the vest from the Rebel Fleet Trooper soon, but
don't put it on yet. |
Step 8
Put all pieces in place, and then super-glue the two torso
pieces back together. If you want the figure’s head and arms
to be able to move, be careful not to use too much glue. Let
it dry for about 10 minutes. Now your Captain Antilles figure
is ready to be painted. |
Continue on to Painting the Figure
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