Sergeant Doallyn
The Recipe
The body of this figure was made of Garindan's arms and torso, with the pelvis and legs of Ceremonial Luke. The right hand was dremeled out so it could hold a weapon. The legs were shortened in the thighs and repositioned a bit for better standing. The bandolier garters above the boots are from the legs of Bossk. The bandoliers on his torso are made of the straps cut from large stormtrooper rifles; I then glued little model pieces to them to make the ammo clips. The pouches glued to the sides of his belt came from some custom fodder I got in a trade.
The head was the most challenging of all. The base of it is a GI-Joe Cobra Soldier head. Around that I glued the gasmask from the flamethrower GI-Joe. (That flamethrower guy has proven quite useful. I used his head for my Bo Shek and his backpack for my Vintage Stormtrooper as Dewback Rider.) With the gasmask on the head, he looked too much like some kind of scuba diver, so I rounded out the helmet with alot of sculpey. I then filed the helmet really smooth, and glued on the hoses from a Star Trek Borg figure. I wanted the helmet to be very glossy, so I painted it about 4 times with an acrylic glosscoat. When I began this figure, I was afraid that the helmet would not come out very well, but now I think it's what makes the figure.
His gun is simply the AT-ST driver's rifle with the stock cut off and some silver paint.
Inspiration and Accuracy
This is by far the most obscure character that I have made a customized figure for. To me Sergeant Doallyn has a kind of Boba Fett quality, in that we don't see much of him but I find myself fascinated by who he is. This is probably compounded by the fact that he appears in Return of the Jedi for a total of 7 seconds when he is thrown down the stairs at Jabba's by Chewbacca. Because he appears so quickly, it's really hard to get a good look at him. So, much of what I've done was inspired by imagination.
I falsely assumed at first that Sergeant Doallyn was in fact the character described by Decipher's CCG card as Bane Malar. As you can see below, Decipher's Bane Malar has what may be the correct outfit (except for the helmet). Interestingly, Decipher's Sergeant Doallyn is wearing what may be the right helmet, but the outfit is incorrect. How can we know what to call this character? I am told that he is named as Sergeant Doallyn in the novel Tales From Jabba's Palace. Thanks to Stephen Hayford for clearing things up for me.
 Decipher's Bane Malar |  Decipher's Sergeant Doallyn |
What's today's lesson, boys and girls? Decipher's character depictions are not always accurate, and images may sometimes be altered in order to make them flashier or more appealing. Furthermore, Decipher often uses pictures of pre-production costumes, which may have changed or simply not been used when filming began. As a result, it's always a good idea to double-check character references as much as possible. To see another case where I had to do some serious cross-referencing before I got things right, check out my R5-A2.