The Captain Antilles Recipe Tutorial
Finishing Touches
No picture necessary. |
Step 16
Once everything has been painted, spray the figure and the
vest with the semi-gloss sealant. This will extend the life
of the paint on the figure as well as give the acrylic paint
(which has a dull finish) a shine that the store-bought
figures have. This look is important if you plan on
displaying your Captain Antilles figure alongside original
Kenner figures. Allow about 20 minutes for the sealant to
dry. |
No picture necessary. |
Step 17
Carefully slide the painted vest back onto the new figure. Do
touch-up painting on any places where the paint was
scratched off. |
No picture necessary. |
Step 18
You may want to lightly respray the figure with sealant,
depending on how much you had to retouch the figure. |
Step 19
Pat yourself on the back. You're done! |

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